Actor Awareness

Actor Awareness is a campaign headed up by Tom Stocks, Tom like many of us has come from a background where the arts haven’t been as accessible. Many people reading this newsletter are people who haven’t probably had opportunities that may have been available to others, be it through financial or simply being aware of industry opportunities. Actor Awareness isn’t about class divide or rich and poor, it is about enabling a cross-section of people being able to showcase their talent and work, get a multicultural, multiracial, multifaceted arts industry, one that reflects the society we live in. Theatre, film, art should be a representation of the world we live in through the people and the stories being told. Actor Awareness wants to be able to bring stories from working class areas, regions, and give people a stage. Realistically due to financial constraints and social economic reasons such people find it tougher to make way and forge through in an already tough industry. Tom has recognized this inequality and wants to make positive steps to bridge the gap, in a time of austerity when the arts keeps getting the axe, it is imperative proactive people give chances and platforms to people who are already on the back foot of getting forward.

Love Stephanie 

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