Taking Liberties by Caroline Gray

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 The Play

“If you’ve ever wondered where Cumberland sausages come from, this show is not for you. Amy’s having a shitter of a day…week…month…well, year.  Listen closely as she tells you the story of how things went from bad to downright diabolical, but when you’re this good at lying the truth is neither plain, nor simple.”

How have you found being part of the Actor Awareness festival has been beneficial to you?

This is my first time doing anything but acting in a show and the thought of all the extra things to take care of is definitely anxiety inducing, so it’s been really great to have someone to ask for advice. To explain about what else needs organising and when, someone who has experience. Also Taking Liberties is a solo play so it’s good to be under the umbrella of a known name rather than just me.

What have you done to prep for the festival?

I’ve been working on the script and gearing up for rehearsals now that I have a director. I find music is important terms of character and atmosphere so I’ve put together a list of songs to play as the audience come in so they’re getting to know the character already and to get them in the right mood for the play. Also I’m about to start rehearsals so I’ve been doing a lot of the regular prep stuff to be able to make the most out of the time I have with Lucrezia.

Your biggest challenge?

As Taking Liberties is a solo piece and is pretty minimal tech-wise, I think the director and I will have to work hard to keep the audience’s attention, to keep them interested and invested in Amy.

Your hope for the play in the future?

I hope people like Taking Liberties and that I can continue to develop it and put it on again.

As there has been a surge in new writing nights how do you think Actor Awareness is different to other new writing nights?

I think the main thing about Actor Awarenes is that it’s not purely the scratch night. That alone is great as you connect with lots of new people but it also has the yearly festival. Being Chosen for the festival there’s the ability to fully realise your idea to a full blown play. There’s a progression there and the security of doing that with the help of people who know what they’re talking about. I certainly needed a kick up the bum to finally make Taking Liberties a full play. Doing the scratch and then the festival helped me to make an idea I had years ago a reality. I think that makes Actor Awareness stand out.

carolineCaroline Gray is the writer and she is also performing as Amy in ‘Taking Liberties’. She is a Graduate of Manchester School of Theatre.

The Director / Lucrezia pollice

lucrezia.jpgLucrezia Pollice is a theatre director and filmmaker who has recently directed her own show ‘Breathe’ which is transferring to Covent Garden at the Tristan Bates Theatre from the 6th to the 11th of August. She has directed in most of London fringe spaces as Kings Head Theatre, Theatre n16, Canal Cafe, Bread and Roses Theatre.. Lucrezia trained at Central and RADA, as well as performing in Operas at La Scala as a child. She enjoys directing community theatre, new writing, modern adaptations of classics and Opera – “directing is all I do and will ever do, it does not matter where or how, as for me the quality of the work never changes”.

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